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  • Marina Amdream/EmroVideos

You Are Invited to My 1st Annual Insecurities Gala

"I am so excited to invite you to my 1st Annual Insecurities Gala with my very own insecurities as the Honorees!!! How are we going to celebrate it?? Today, right now, right here we are going to share our insecurities in the comments, with our friends, family, church members, etc. Then we are going to learn to accept them, love them and make them into something greater than us. We'll use them to help somebody else, invent useful tools, start businesses, etc. Today is the day when we no longer give control to our insecurities. We learn to live with them and, if we can, we let them go forever! We learn to love ourselves as we are fully without conditions or regrets. Today is an amazing day when we recognize our strengths, not our pains! Today is the day when we find power to start over, leave bad relationships and stop torturing ourselves on day to day basis. Today the past is done! The present begins! We start living now!" Marina Amdream

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