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  • Marina Amdream/EmroVideos

Believe, live with passion and go all in

"Someone asked me today: "How were you able to build your social media?" I said: "I just took a risk to be honest." Of course, it comes along with belief in yourself, desire to help others and hard work, but being authentic and super passionate about what you love is the key to not only success, but, most importantly, the key to happiness.

In the midth of the world turmoil, being financially broke like me, mentally challenged like me, hurt to the core by life and other people like me, etc. I am reminded again and again that changing your mindset can change your life. Today I went to a motivational event with just $10 cash in my pocket with nothing to eat for lunch. I did not know what I would do to survive, but I believed that today was going to be life changing, and it was! I got a huge potential client, something to eat at the event &, most importantly, the knowledge that I will take along with me forever which is priceless!

I always say to you, guys: "I may not be the best motivational speaker in the world, with the most degrees or the biggest bank account, but I am real. I am telling you exactly what I am doing to build something worth to pay attention to. I have tears in my eyes writing this which means I have the right dream and intention. Someone said "if what you want does not make you cry, it's not big enough." Having nothing according to society standards, but having a huge dream according to mine is more than enough for me.

I know, I believe, I pray and I hope that my story of turning domestic abuse, food disorder, mental health meltdown & divorce pain into strength is going to inspire millions to change their life for the better. So many people have paved the way for me to be where I am today. I hope to be even a tiny grain of sand to help you build your bricks of fruitful relationships, abundant businesses and careers and undeniable fulfillment of personal growth.

What do you believe? What steps do you take to live your dream? Tell me. I am after all - Marina American Dream (Amdream)." Love and Peace, Marina Amdream.

P.S. Pictures from attending today's Mindset and Vision Board Workshop (besides the last picture with a quote). It was amazing!! Thank you, everyone!

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