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  • Marina Amdream/EmroVideos

Marina Amdream's New Song - My Story

"If you, guys, have been coming to my events, you know that I have been performing a lot and I love it!!! Who knew I would ever do it again☺️ Back in a day I performed everywhere I could all the time: acting, dancing, reciting poems, etc. Add to that sports and dogs club competitions. I have never been much of a singer, but I am, definitely, a talker and a writer. So in spite of my fears I started combining my love of being on stage and a passion for a good word and making it into amazing rap songs. How do I know they are amazing?? People give very good feedbacks:)

I performed two raps songs at my last event (because we had some that were no longer available to be present, and I needed to fill in their time with something), talked to a recording studio right after about a possibility to finally putting the songs on the Internet (I have no idea how to do it. lol) and wrote a new song yesterday in one hour!!

It took me two days to find a beat though, but I did it, and I am so excited about it!!! Now it's time to memorize, repeat, practice and, hopefully, be ready with it in a month or two. Let me tell you: on average I write about 25-30 lines per verse and 4 for the hook. It takes me foreeeeever to memorize it. (My first rap song took me 4 months to memorize.) Then I want to add a little bit of moves when I perform. Have you ever recited anything and danced?? I have so much respect now for rappers. It's so hard to rap and move at the same time!! Maybe it's hard for me because it's not my language. But let me be your example that it is possible.

As of today I have inspired at least 10 people to get out of their comfort zone and do something they usually would not do. How do I know?? They either tell me, or I see what they do after coming to my events. Makes me so happy knowing that what I do is helping someone. Come to my events to get inspired to make a change. Follow my journey to get inspired to take your life to the next level. If I can do it, you can do it!!! Go for it!! Why not you??" Marina Amdream

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