"This picture was taken in my home town Donetsk exactly 8 years ago when I was back in Ukraine going to see a game:) You can see a HUGE European soccer stadium behind me. In my country we like soccer, walking outside a lot, dressing up warm because it seems like always freezing down there and, of course, we like a good friendship time:) This picture makes me so happy, and it also reminds where I come from.
Learn from my mistakes: never forget who you really are and your roots. I am proud to say I am Ukrainian-American. This is what makes me me. And I love every part of it!! Remembering where I come from gives me happiness, confidence &, most importantly, it makes me humble. Always remember to be grateful for everyone and everything that made you you. It will make you a nice human being that people actually want to support. Best of luck to you on your journey!!! Take your roots with you everywhere you go:)" Marina Amdream